Friday, February 29, 2008

Call For Submissions of Music Flyers & Pictures

Do you have an old mixtape encoded to mp3, a scan of the flyer from your first party, or an incriminating picture you would never want your parents to see? If you do, send it my way. I'm looking for rare dj sets, especially those originally available on tape only, fun and colorful flyers from the most memorable parties, and pictures that show you in compromsing situations and positions.



Scott Bliss said...

josh rose has like 250 old house and breaks mix tapes from the early 90's. I've been trying to get him to transfer them to digital 4ever.

wilkins said...

and then Josh packed up his shit and got out of town... heheh...

But there are some folks putting together archives of fliers and such...

might be "funner" to get 'em up here though...

Synthetrix said...

I went through the archives and pulled out a ton of old L.A. rave frlyers, circa 92-94, scanned them in and posted the galery on my website. Check it!

You can hear some old mixtapes from the likes of Eli Star and Doc Martin there too at
